WHO Sustainable Technology for Adolescents to Reduce Stress (STARS)

Self-help Chat-bot

Project Title

WHO Sustainable Technology for Adolescents to Reduce Stress (STARS) – Self-help Chat-bot


World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland & Human Development Research Foundation (HDRF), Islamabad, Pakistan

Project Information

Due to lack of trained specialists in child and adolescent mental health services, a stepped care system for adolescents’ mental health could be developed in low resource settings to bridge the treatment gap for child and adolescent mental health problems. Some of the steps could be, training teachers in providing basic psychosocial support and identification of adolescents in need of help (universal intervention); training non-specialists school-based counsellors to provide on-site support and provision of guided self-help chat-bot (indicated intervention); and exploiting the use of tele-psychiatry services to provide expert supervision (targeted intervention).
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